What Happens When You Mix Beer and Lollipops?

What Happens When You Mix Beer and Lollipops?

It sounds compelling. Take two things people absolutely love and combine them to make something new. We consume millions of gallons in beer each year and more lollipops than you can imagine. It was only matter of time before someone created the elusive Beer Lollipop, and that time is now.Lollipops

The Lollyphile candy company has a rich history of experimental Lollipop research. They already produce wine and whisky lollipops in a variety of unusual flavors. Their vegan approved breast milk lollipop is a taste to behold. If Lollyphile produced a movie it would be something like Frankenstein Meets Willy Wonka in the Lollipop Factory.

Lollyphile has taken a bold step into uncharted Beer Lollipop waters. They have produced a line of lager, and stout lollipops based customer demand. These lollipops are controversial. A recent independent taste test by a group of beer aficionados gave these new lollipops a very low grade. Even so, they are selling quite well and developing a cult following. In my view the control group for this taste test was flawed. Beer aficionados are easy to find. Finding test subjects that love beer and lollipops equally is not as easy.beer

You can read more about the taste test and results through source link below. No matter how you feel about beer lollipops one this is certain. Lollyphile is a candy innovator. Keep an eye on this fantastic company.

Source Link Beer-flavored lollipops fall flat – NY Daily News.


India’s Chocolate Lady – The Art & Science of Chocolates

India’s Chocolate Lady – The Art & Science of Chocolates

Born In Chocolate

Zeba Kohli, is known as the chocolate lady of India. She is a master chocolatier born and raised within the wonderful world of chocolate. Kohli, is the head of Fantasie Fine Chocolates, one of India’s oldest brands of handmade chocolates. She is respected teacher on all the mysteries of chocolate. Here is a list of great things we learned from India’s chocolate lady.

Zeba Kohli

Zeba Kohli – Photo: Nalin Solanki – yourstory.com

Chocolate tasting and fun facts

You must hear a snap when you take a little bite, then let the chocolate melt on your palette for a little while. Finally, let it fall smoothly down the throat to enjoy the finish.

Like wine, you must cleanse the pallet with water when tasting many types of chocolate at the same time.

Cocoa trees are primarily grown in the coastal regions of Africa and South America, but chocolate is not known by the region the cocoa originates from.

As we fine with Wine and coffee, chocolate made from beans of a single region or farm is known as single origin chocolate.

The flavor of chocolate from a single area is often influenced by the soil, climate and vegetation.

Dark chocolate made from Tanzania beans will be very fruity because of its wild soil quality. However, the same chocolate from Ecuador is mild and leaves a lot of space for fruitiness and aromas. It also has notes of red fruits, grass and flowers.

Sugar free chocolate will not help you lose weight. It contains a lot of cocoa butter and natural sugars. A 200g bar of a dark chocolate, which is about 80% to 90% dark, will still have 1110 calories.

Cocoa trees can grow to be around 20-ft tall.

Many chocolates made in India contain vanaspathi. Cocoa butter is becoming too expensive. So they take it out of the chocolate and use vanaspathi instead. Vanaspathi may not be great for your health.

Learn more about the chocolate lady. Read Demystifying those brown chunks of happiness


Kirti Poddar via flickr.com


Early on, scientists figured out that most chocolate trees aren’t able to self-pollinate, but for years they couldn’t figure out what moved cacao pollen between trees. No wonder: It turns out that cacao flowers are pollinated by the the tiny Chocolate Fly....
20-Opal Pack

20-Opal Pack

When planning for a small cocktail party or family reunion, surprise everyone with an exquisite selection of our 4 favorites, including the ever-famous Z chocolate: a combination of a crunchy praliné with sweet and salty caramel, chocolate number zero: a slow roasted hazelnut almond praliné, chocolate number 1: a vanilla ganache infused with lavender and chocolate number 2: a delightful Italian gianduja praliné. If you would like to personalize this product, please contact us at nathalie.bach@zchocolat.com.

5-zBox Pack

5-zBox Pack

Perfect for an intimate get-together or professional meeting, our 5 zBox 8 pack is an ideal display of elegance and refinement that will naturally seduce with 2 layers of our 4 favorites, including the ever-famous Z chocolate: a combination of a crunchy praliné with sweet and salty caramel, chocolate number zero: a slow roasted hazelnut almond praliné, chocolate number 1: a vanilla ganache infused with lavender and chocolate number 2: a delightful Italian gianduja praliné. If you would like to personalize this product, please contact us at nathalie.bach@zchocolat.com.