Hot Chocolate Guide

Hot Chocolate Guide

Welcome to the Hot Chocolate Guide. Your definitive source for everything Hot Chocolate. Hot Chocolate Recipes - How to Make Hot Chocolate The world is filled with millions of places to find great hot chocolate recipes. Here is a list of the very best sites to find...

The Choco Pie Black Market

The Choco Pie Black Market

So you work a lot of overtime, and the government takes most of your earnings. You get no bonus or wage increase and life basically stinks. How does an employer inspire workers in this environment? With bonus black market Choco Pies of course. No this is not the...

Candy Party Ideas

Candy Party Ideas

Candy is the best way to enhance any party. You can use candy to develop all sorts of colorful sweet theme ideas for your guests. Do not waste the occasion with ordinary bowls of sweets just laying around. You can create wonderful bouquets, a dramatic centerpiece, or...

India’s Chocolate Lady – The Art & Science of Chocolates

India’s Chocolate Lady – The Art & Science of Chocolates

Born In Chocolate Zeba Kohli, is known as the chocolate lady of India. She is a master chocolatier born and raised within the wonderful world of chocolate. Kohli, is the head of Fantasie Fine Chocolates, one of India’s oldest brands of handmade chocolates. She is...

Bazooka “Transformers Age of Extinction” Candy

Bazooka “Transformers Age of Extinction” Candy

To celebrate the new “Transformers: Age of Extinction” movie, Bazooka will create a special collection of limited edition Transformer candy out of Bazooka favorites. Bazooka Push Pop, Big Baby Pop, Ring Pop, Mega Mouth and Juicy Drop Pop will be transformed to promote...

The Official State Candy – Salt Water Taffy

The Official State Candy – Salt Water Taffy

Salt water taffy is due become the official state candy for New Jersey. A group of astute fifth graders from Sayreville's Samsel Upper Elementary School testified before a government panel this week to make their love of Salt Water Taffy official. Making Salt Water...

The Chocolate Room – Confection as Fine Art

The Chocolate Room – Confection as Fine Art

Modern art and chocolate converge in a fantastic new interactive installation by Anya Gallaccio. The sweet masterpiece ‘Stroke', will be showing at at the Jupiter Artland sculpture garden in Edinburgh sculpture garden this summer. The installation is like a chocolate...

What Happens When You Mix Beer and Lollipops?

What Happens When You Mix Beer and Lollipops?

It sounds compelling. Take two things people absolutely love and combine them to make something new. We consume millions of gallons in beer each year and more lollipops than you can imagine. It was only matter of time before someone created the elusive Beer Lollipop,...

ChocolateFly – Candy Search ultima modifica: 2017-06-12T07:20:54+00:00 da Sharon Karen