Signature Gift Pack – 4 lb 2 oz


SKU: 9244 Tags: ,


.signaturepack ul { padding-left: 45px; } .signaturepack li { display: list-item; } Sweet essentials, only from See’s. This generous, ready-to-give box is filled to the brim with over four pounds of our most popular treats, a variety with something for everyone to enjoy. Finished with a sheer bow, it’s an impressive gift. Gift Pack Includes: Assorted Chocolates (1 lb) Nuts & Chews (1 lb) Toffee-ettes® (1 lb) Peanut Brittle (10 oz) Assorted Lollypops (8.4 oz)

Signature Gift Pack – 4 lb 2 oz ultima modifica: 2018-08-20T04:24:42+00:00 da Sharon Karen