Chocolate can save the world, or at least part of it.

Chocolate can save the world, or at least part of it.

Brazil Nature Preserve – Source: Pixabay

Chocolate can save the world, or at least part of it.The following story is a testament to that fact. Brazil is facing record unemployment and environmental crisis from deforestation. Brazilians are fighting back with with chocolate! The Aprapixi Nature Preserve is an exceptional example of a successful business venture that improves quality of life and the environment at the same time. The gift of chocolate is truly a divine resource that benefits the world in endless dimensions. Do visit the source site for details on this fascinating story.

“Brazilian grandmother Maria Nobre de Oliveira thinks high-end chocolate will help end the epidemic of deforestation ravaging Amazon communities like hers. Her community of a few dozen residents live in hand-built wooden houses with no electricity or running water in the world’s largest rainforest, more than six hours by river boat from the nearest town in Brazil’s southwestern Amazonas State. Residents in isolated Amazon settlements say they have few opportunities to make a living other than clearing land to raise cattle – part of the reason why Amazon deforestation rates in Brazil shot up 29 percent last year after years of decline. But residents of the reserve have new ally to help them protect the trees – chocolate.

“This is virgin forest,” Oliveira, 62, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation as residents used long poles to knock cocoa beans – the base ingredient for chocolate – from the reserve’s trees. “Some guys came to cut the trees down a while back – but we told them to get lost,” “If we had let them, we wouldn’t have an income source… cocoa helps us protect the forest.” Farmers in the nature reserve work with a local cooperative in Boca do Acre that manages the sale and export of the cocoa. Every minute, forests larger than two football fields are felled in the Amazon, according to the former director of Brazil’s forestry service.Brazilian officials say projects like the cocoa co-op are helping residents make a living from the land while moving away from deforestation.”

Source: C.Arsenault and K.Mendes (Thomson Reuters Foundation) High-end chocolate thrives with forest 

Chocolate Kiwi Popsicles recipe for a cool summer treat everyone will love

Chocolate Kiwi Popsicles recipe for a cool summer treat everyone will love

Kiwifruit (often shortened to kiwi) or Chinese gooseberry is a delicious fruit with many heath benefits. It helps digestion with enzymes, improves blood pressure, protects from DNA damage, boosts your immunity and even supports weight loss. Chocolate is probably the healthiest confection known with a wide range of benefits to the circulatory system and cardiovascular health. This amazing recipe combines chocolate and Kiwi in a refreshing health packed popsicle. These are great for parties, special occasions or a lazy summer afternoon cool down.

Here is a list of amazing chocolate accomplishments to help celebrate World Chocolate Day

Here is a list of amazing chocolate accomplishments to help celebrate World Chocolate Day

largest chocolate bar

July 07 is World Chocolate day. To help celebrate this amazing day, here is a list of the worlds most amazing chocolate accomplishments.

  • The largest peanut butter cup is 440-pound of chocolate made by the Candy Factory in LA USA
  • The largest chocolate bar measured 1,531.9 ft² and was prepared by Čokoladnica Cukrček in Radovljica, Slovenia,
  • The largest chocolate truffle weighs 2,368 lb 8 oz and was achieved by Sweet Shop USA in Mount Pleasant, Texas
  • Largest box of chocolate from Thorntons and Russell weighs in at 3,725 pounds. The box was more than 16 feet long and 3 feet deep.
  • Largest chocolate fountain in the world is a 14-feet high fountain that includes 500 feet of pipes and flowing with 2100 pounds of melted chocolate and the Bellagio Las Vegas USA.
  • Tallest chocolate sculpture is a  20-foot 8-inch replica of three New York skyscrapers: Rockefeller Center, the Empire State Building, and the Chrysler Building. The art work required 2,200 pounds of chocolate!
  • Most expensive chocolate dessert is a $25,000 chocolate sundae from Serendipity 3 in NY USA.
  • Largest Chocolate Mousse. took 108 pounds of chocolate, 66 pounds of butter, 24 pounds of egg yolk, 20 pounds of sugar, 50 quarts of heavy cream and five gallons of milk to break the World Record.
  • World’s Biggest chocolate chip Cookie is 102 feet wide and weighs over 40,000 pounds!
  • Largest chocolate bar mosaic is 197.52 ft² made with 1,500 bars of white chocolate and red colored white chocolate (strawberry flavored) by 
  • Largest chocolate rabbit weighed 9,359.7 lbs!
  • Largest chocolate firework was made by Nestlé, measuring 3 m 9.8 ft high and 4.9 ft in diameter and containing 132 lb of Swiss Cailler chocolates
  • Largest fashion show of chocolate dresses was produced by Le Salon du Chocolat with 23 chocolate outfits worn by models on a catwalk

chocolate fountain

chocolate fountain – Source: Wikimedia Commons

Chocolate snorting party trend goes Coco Loko

Chocolate snorting party trend goes Coco Loko

Coco Loko is a new chocolate “snuff” product inspired by the recent chocolate-snorting party trend. Club goers replace traditional drugs and alcohol with Infused raw cacao to achieve a buzz without legal hassles. While snorting chocolate sounds a bit odd, fans claim the following benefits:

  • Endorphin Rush – When endorphins are released it triggers a positive feeling of well being in your body. For example the feeling after a long workout known as “runners high” where you feel euphoric, positive, and exhilarated.
  • Serotonin Rush – A sudden rush of serotonin will produce an elevated mood and a state of euphoria similar to the feeling of ecstasy. This is the feeling that will make the music sound better and increase overall happiness.
  • Euphoric Energy – Raw cacao will give you a steady rush of euphoric energy and motivation that is great for party goers to dance the night away without a crash. It is even used by athletes to give them the natural competitive edge.
  • Calm Focus – Raw cacao will give you a sense of calm focus and reduce the chatter and worry in your brain so you are able to accomplish many tasks at once and and maximize your time and focus. It is also known to help with anxiety and to reduce stress.

These claims make Coco Loko sound better than cocaine, marijuana and alcohol put together but would you snort chocolate? I prefer delicious hot chocolate myself but only with hot water. I doubt it is entirely healthy to snort anything but hey, this is a heck of a lot better than having your kids string up on illegal drugs. While Coco Loko is getting lots of press not everyone is a fan. Checkout this brave Youtuber giving it his first and last try:

Medical professionals are not sure what to think about the new chocolate snorting trend. The product is not certified by the Food and Drug Administration and no clinical testing has been reported. There has been a lot of debate about the safety energy drinks and legal high products like Coco Loko. Until the facts become clear I will stick with plain old hot chocolate as my favorite form of powdered chocolate. You can check out Coco Loko ot


Chocolate Factory in the Magic Kingdom Makes Disney Sweeter Than Ever

Chocolate Factory in the Magic Kingdom Makes Disney Sweeter Than Ever

Disney has an amazing chocolate factory called the Ganachery! a sophisticated chocolate boutique with 16 different flavors of handmade Ganache for every taste. They custom make the chocolate with beans imported from around the world. All Ganache is made fresh every day so you are guaranteed only the finest tasting sweets for your magical visit. All chocolates are hand decorated to perfection. They also provide custom designs for very special occasions. Vistors can watch the Ganche being produced from start to finish. Next time your at Disney check out the Ganachery.

16 Million People Really Believe Brown Cows Make Chocolate Milk?

16 Million People Really Believe Brown Cows Make Chocolate Milk?


Recent news on how many people think chocolate milk is produced by brown cows has me thinking, can we have flavored cows? I know the articles on this topic are intended to point out how stupid people are, but you have to wonder if genetic flavoring is in our future.? Scientists are working on exactly that right now. The other question is are Americans telling us what they think about chocolate milk? or do they think this was just a dumb survey question. Check out the news below.

“7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, according to a nationally representative online survey commissioned by the Innovation Center of U.S. Dairy.If you do the math, that works out to 16.4 million misinformed, milk-drinking people. The equivalent of the population of Pennsylvania (and then some!) does not know that chocolate milk is milk, cocoa and sugar.”

Source: Do Some People Really Think Chocolate Milk Comes from Brown Cows